Linkek a témában:
Achatinidae as Tropical Pests
Raut, S. K.; Barker, G. M. 2002: Achatina fulica Bowdich and other Achatinidae as pests in tropical agriculture. In: Barker, G. M. ed. Molluscs as crop pests. Wallingford, CABI Publishing.
Ecology of Achatina fulica (mollusc)
The giant African land snail (Achatina fulica) has spread widely from its native Africa to invade many tropical and subtropical regions including islands in the Indian Ocean, West Indies and Pacific Ocean. It is highly adaptable to a wide range of conditions and finds a wide range of foods and habitats acceptable. It can aestivate (similar to hibernating) in extreme conditions to avoid de-hydration. This makes it an ideal invasive species, allowing to survive long ship journeys unscathed. In addition it the female is able to store sperm, allowing it to found a population from a single individual.
Az afrikai óriáscsigákat (Achatina achatina) mutatja be ez a linkgyűjtemény, temtaikus dobozokba összegyűjtve az afrikai csigaféléket, szaporodásukat, táplálkozásukat, élőhelyüket, jellemzőiket. Fotók és videok, fórumok, valamint csiga baráti oldalak segítik a téma iránt bővebben érdeklődőket.